Wednesday, 29 October 2014

When shall we end the Molasses Classes?

Having completed reading ‘The End of Molasses Classes’ by Ron Clark, I wish if I were a child in his Academy or at least a faculty member who can be part of the marvelous endeavor. The book was so compelling, memorable and staggering.  The Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia started from the ground-up revolution, and over ten thousand educators from around the world have visited the school to learn about the unexpected ways the teachers and parents of RCA that helped the children achieve great success.  The professional development experiences they offer are unique. Ron Clark Academy is the brainchild of Ron Clark, the man with sense of adventure, creativity, innovation and above all with determination to commit himself for the venture he is indulged in. He has written three books, The Essential 55, The End of Molasses Classes, and The Excellent 11 that serve guidance for parents who want more for their children, teachers who need strategies for helping students achieve success, and communities that hope to uplift every child and improve the education of the next generation.

What is special with Ron Clark Academy? It is not something because it is established in United States of America but for the simple reason that there is man with his wonderful team having a vision, commitment, innovation and above all passion for educating children behind the venture that started in Atlanta by renovating a one hundred year old factory into a school that would affect the lives of children all over the world. He had no financial support or other resources at hand while he passionately decided to start the school at the abandoned building. 

In his book The End of Molasses Classes Ron Clark narrates with candor his struggles, commitment , challenges he faced in the beginning, innovative practices, creative class rooms, strategies to support the child to achieve success and the experience of children, educators and parents in transforming the lives of thousands of children.

For every child a day at her/his school is a unique experience of learning and a step towards excellence. The committed educators make the children believe in themselves and do not destroy their dreams. They give all that they have to their children even though they may often receive nothing in return. They get to know their students in non -academic setting. Rather than finding excuses, they search for solutions and make it happen. Thus they create moments that will have a lasting impact on children’s lives. They treat every child as if he or she were their own. They accept and celebrate diversity in the class room. 

Though we consider education is the panacea for all development issues, In India we could not realise quality education for every child. The issues of our education system are unfathomably complex and the quality of education remains deplorably low. However much can be done if each teacher is equipped with skills to deal with children from multiple backgrounds and passion for educating them through strategies that aim at excellence. Teachers at RCA have invariably proved that teaching is not just a career to earn a living. They show us the true meaning of relationship, how to be humane, understand the children and guide the parents and community to support the future generation towards the pathways of quality life.

Ron Clark Academy is not just an institution that gives quality education to children through successful strategies; therefore its lessons are not exclusively for educators or educational institutions.  It is an excellent atmosphere where every educator, staff is inspired to work to attain the vision and mission of the endeavor. Academy gives excellent lessons to organizations, leaders and to every individual working with people about human resource management, the secret of success of a team work and above all the true sense of commitment, creativity and innovation that could bring about wonders.

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