Allahabad High Court on Tuesday took a serious note of the pathetic condition
of primary schools in the state and directed the chief secretary to ensure that
children/wards of government officials/servants, those serving in the local
bodies, representatives of people and judiciary etc., send their wards to these
then would they be serious enough to look into the requirements of these
schools and ensure that they are run in good condition, the court observed.
the course of hearing, the court noticed the deplorable condition of these schools
and observed that although they are catering to the needs of 90% population of
children, their condition could be described as shabby.”
August 19th 2015
There is no dearth of constitutional
provisions to educate the children of our country. The below are some of the
provisions that points towards the responsibility of the state to have the
indispensable role in educating the young minds of our country.
Article 29(1) states “No citizen
shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the
State or receiving aid out of State funds, on grounds only of religion, race,
caste, language or any of them.”
The Fundamental Rights of the Indian
Constitution has also adopted the four fold ideal of justice, Liberty, Equality
and Fraternity. Our Constitution laid down that in the eyes of law, everyone
should have an equal status, to no one the justice be denied, everyone should
have liberty of thought, expression.
The fundamental right of equality
clearly signifies that in the eyes of law no distinction can be made on the
basis of any position, caste, class or creed. Side by side the right of
equality of opportunities to all is also provided. The equality of opportunity
is meaningless, unless there are equal opportunities for one’s education.
The well-known Kothari Commission,
1964-66 recommended that Central Government should undertake the responsibility
in education for the equalization of educational opportunities with special
reference to the reduction of inter-state differences and the advancement of
the weaker section of the community.
under Article 45 of the Directive Principles of State Policy that, “The state
shall endeavour to provide within a period of ten years from the commencement
of this Constitution, for free and compulsory Education for all children until
they complete the age of fourteen years.”
15, 17, 46 safeguard the educational interests of the weaker sections of the
Indian Community, that is, socially and educationally backward classes of
citizens and scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
Article 46 of the Constitution, the federal government is responsible for the
economic and educational development of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
All these years successive governments in
Centre and various states have been running away from their prime
responsibility to provide free and compulsory quality education to all
children. Though several committees have been appointed on educational matters,
no government accepted suggestions for democratic and equitable education
system in our country. The state that always supported the interest of the
elite class/caste sabotaged the idea of common school system. It thwarted all
possibility for the emergence of a country that got equality, freedom from the tyranny
of caste system, discrimination and all kind of oppression.
What happened with the implementation of
District Primary Education Programme (DPEP), which was continued with Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), was the collusion of Indian state with World Bank and
International Monitory Fund (IMF), the agents of Imperial forces. It was aimed at confining the quality elementary
education and higher education only for the minority elite class. Now Indian
education is widely open for the market forces to implement their agenda of
business and profiteering. It will force the children from the marginalized sections
, if possible to be literate, to find livelihood in some unorganized sections,
self employed sectors or some kind of laborers (skilled or unskilled) without
any right to demand any job opportunities that require deep knowledge and
sophisticated skills.
The Allahabad High court verdict has serious
implications and it could be the first step towards a common school system
where every children of India will have equitable and quality free education if
implemented without diluting. It is a crucial step to improve the education
system in government schools and thus the entire education system in the country
which would weaken and annihilate the private school lobby which has grown to a
mafia now. Though this verdict does not have all the essential provisions for a
strengthening the public school system, if implemented nationwide it would give
hope for a society with relatively less disparity and oppression.
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