the era of globalization we are connected to the nook and corner of the world
with the backing of sophisticated technology. Information technology has
revolutionized the ways and means of communication, formation of associations
and transactions in all spheres of life. However vast majority of the
population is disconnected with the nature to learn valuable lessons of
sustainability and network. We often forget the fact that nature is not only to
extract resources but to learn lessons of sustainability too.
tend to forget the fact that despite all globalised phenomenon, we are at first
connected with the atmosphere (soil, air, water and ecosystem at large that
includes living and nonliving things) where our real life rests up on. It is true that there are voluntary and
involuntary activities in our life. Unfortunately the vital transactions that
should have been performed with our conscious mind have become involuntary in
our fast life. That is why we are least bothered about the valuable resources
of life. The Latin root of the
word ‘resource’ is ‘to rise
again’. But for us nature is measured as a collection of resources to be
extracted, not as a mentor to support throughout our life. The origin of man
made disaster is our failure to understand nature and its role in our life. We
have no time to understand the technology of resources of earth; instead we are
eager to become masters to challenge nature and its own unique technology. The
biotechnology has grown to make genetic modification but fails to recognize how
much irrevocable damage it can cause to the whole ecosystem. The common man, on
the other hand are destined to follow the corporate organization’s formula in
life. Farmers believe Genetically Modified seeds and chemical farming would
solve all the issues and bring food security. There are organizations that work
to convince the people of the disastrous impact of such actions. The fact
remains that till now the damage of green revolution has not been accepted by
the state. Our political system does not want to accept such harsh realities
and question the legacy of the revolution that ‘ended’ famine and decreased
is essential for every member of the society to become ‘ecologically literate’.
In the coming decades the survival of the humanity will depend on ecological
literacy-our ability to understand the basic principles of ecology and to live
accordingly. It should be an essential ingredient of education at all levels.
Thus lessons from nature should be practiced by people from every sphere of
life; politicians, bureaucrats, industrialists, businessmen, architects,
scientists and in all other sectors, principles of nature should be the principal
force of thought and action.
generation that is uprooted from soil is doomed to end up in disaster. It is
vital to know/experience the nature around us. The rhythm of nature, the
changes that occurs in its course, the lessons to be learnt from nature, to
consider nature as our mentor not human being as masters and ultimately to be
connected with nature has increasingly become the need of the hour. The water we drink, the food we eat and air
we breathe in should be renewable with our constructive act for the sake of
generations to come. It is not only the job of the farmers to work in the field
and few environmentalists and organizations to conserve nature. From the status
of consumers we must transform ourselves to the agents of conservationists for
the sustainable development of our society. Urban-rural dichotomy does not need
to be considered for its inhabitants’ constructive response towards such an
objective. This response can range from planting a tree, using water carefully,
and disposing waste in the proper way and to mobilizing community to transform
an arid land to a fertile area for local cultivation through organic farming.
Whatever vocation you pursue, there is time and space for action that can
contribute for the sustainable utilization of the natural resources. When you
are connected with nature, spend time with its web of life, our life becomes
robust with joy and creativity. Thus deprivations end and abundance become a
social reality. No other development can offer us well-being unless we have
organic soil, pure water, clean air and uncontaminated food.